If you hold a cup of coffee to your ear...

My son was eating his breakfast this morning while I sat with my first cup of coffee. It was too hot to drink. While I held the cup in one hand, my head rested on the other. It wasn't long before my head drooped to the same level as the cup. My son's straw slurping was drowned out by a most curious sound. When you hold a seashell up to your ear, it sounds like waves crashing on the shore, the sound of the ocean. I have never held a peanut shell to my ear, but others have told me it sounds like a circus or a baseball game. I've wonder through if you got the sounds of a circus and that wasn't the shell station you wanted, how do you change it? Does one simply crack open another peanut and try again? I have digressed.

The sound I heard from my cup was one that was so similar to steam from an espresso machine. It was as though I were eavesdropping on a dream my morning coffee was having as the caffeine had yet to fully awake; a dream to reach the full potential of the roast through a more sophisticated, refined brewing process. Maybe I was the one dreaming that my cup of coffee was an espresso or a latte. Hmm. I think I will have to take a break from writing to make that dream come true.

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