The beginning.

After three cups of Peruvian Penachi, this journal of sorts has been created. The need to document the roasting process of my beans is important in order to achieve the duplication of a particularly delicious cup.  Then there are the notable events that transpire. On the days when I over indulge in my weakness for coffee, my warp speed "goes to plaid". (Spaceballs reference) It is on these days that the most random thoughts fly into my mind and out my mouth. Occasionally this gets me into trouble.

For example, after giving my son his first bike for his birthday, my mother-in-law made a comment I never expected from her, "Don't forget to wear your brain bucket.".

"More like a colander than a bucket." I was unable to stop myself as I fingered the slits at the top of my son's helmet.

Eye contact was more than avoided as suddenly the task of ensuring the strap of my son's helmet was securely fastening the helmet to his head seemed to require the concentration of a heart surgeon. In that moment I knew I had taken the comment that one step too far. The step that takes a humorous comment into the dark, slightly creepy alley where people tend to rush past for fear of being mugged if they linger too long.

Right. So to console myself for that social blunder, I did what any self-respecting addict would do. I went to the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee. If I didn't keep sipping something else might spring to mind and bounce out of my mouth. Really, it was for the greater good.

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