Onobrano's Latte Blend

artist unknown
Decaf coffee. 
What else can I say?

That it is a substitute baristas give to rude customers?

Or that, like for many, 'Death Before Decaf' is a lifestyle motto I completely understand?

The lack of caffeine is the obvious problem. Then there's a chemical taste the decaffeination process leaves which makes any cup of decaf undrinkable.

Then I roasted my own. 

A naturally decaffeinated blend of green beans called Lagniappe Expresso Decaf Blend.

The term used to name this blend, Lagniappe, is a Louisianan term meaning "a little something extra" which is exactly what you get with this roast. 

The lack of caffeine isn't even noticeable as you get lost in the espresso it creates when you brew it.

Recently my four year old decided he doesn't need to take naps anymore.
Which means I don't get my R&R during the day.

Refueling & Recuperating.

Suddenly, the half pot my husbands leaves me in the morning isn't good enough.

If I were to make another pot or press of coffee I would most likely drink it all and then I would be awake all night. I had to find another solution. 

Onobeano's Latte Blend is the extra boost I need.
Created with the intention of the espresso being mixed with milk to make a latte (Latte Making Guide), this blend has a delicious bittersweet chocolate taste. It has a brighter taste than the Lagniapple. 

To make a latte, I combined the espresso with almond milk.  It was amazing!  The brightness of the espresso was tamed. The almond milk naturally provided a nutty flavor that complimented and enhanced the bitter sweet chocolate flavor already present.
Onobeano's Latte Blend
Roasting Notes:

I roasted 4 ounces with 2/3 fan and low heat for 2 minutes. Then 7 minutes with 1/2 fan and medium heat. Finishing with 2 minutes on high heat with 1/4 fan. The total roasting time was 11 minutes. The first crack came after 5.7 minutes and the second after 9.3 minutes elapsed. 
As with all espresso roasts the goal is to be between a Vienna roast and an Italian. It should be medium brown with a matte finish. If the roast is too light, it will be very acidic.
This is a blend definitely worth trying. I recommend giving almond milk a try instead of regular moo. It heightens the drink to Seattle coffee shop levels. Enjoy and as always... 
Happy Roasting and Brewing!

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